Cargo and Mail Handling Training Program


4 Days

  • Cargo Operations and warehouse personnel
  • Cargo and Mail Acceptance personnel
Course Objectives

The main objective of the course is to:

  • Apply The Air Cargo Tariff Rules –TACT Rules
  • Understand the conditions of carriage
  • Be able to prepare the Air waybill and be familiar with other cargo documents
  • Be familiar with the cargo IMP codes and operational messages
  • Know the handling and stowage procedures of various special loads
  • Be familiar with the aircraft structure limitations and ULD’s
  • Understand the cargo build up process
  • Be familiar with the postal mail acceptance and handling procedure
  • Be able to prepare the Special load notification to Captain-NOTOC
  • Understand the handling procedures of damaged cargo.
Course Contents
  • Introduction to Air cargo
  • Air cargo Regulations
  • Pay load or Traffic load and Bulk loading limitations
  • Unit Load Devices (ULD)
  • Air cargo acceptance and booking procedures
  • The Air Waybill
  • Special loads and cargo IMP codes
  • Stowage and buildup of cargo
  • Damage and Pilfered cargo
  • Postal mail handling
  • Mail documents
  • Dangerous goods in mail
  • Damage and pilfered mail
  • Special Load- Notification to Captain (NOTOC)