BAS is Proud of Employing National Cadres in Various Fields

Board of Directors

Following its leading position on the list of companies and institutions with the highest Bahraini employment rate for the second quarter of 2023, Mr. Nabeel Khalid Kanoo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bahrain Airport Services (BAS), expressed his sincere thanks and gratitude to the Ministry of Labour, and all those in charge of employment services. Mr. Kanoo also praised their constructive efforts to enhance the conditions of the labor market in the Kingdom, and their continuous support for local companies and institutions to initiate their contributions in line with the priorities and objectives of the economic recovery plan.

Mr. Nabeel Kanoo confirmed that BAS is proud of its great reliance on national cadres, noting that its Bahrainisation rate consists of about 82% of the total human capital within the company, pointing out that 214 Bahrainis were employed during the first half of this year, with the presence of further plans to continue these efforts to qualify more national cadres by investing in them and attracting them to take active roles in various fields and divisions within BAS.  He also referred to the company’s interest in employing people of determination, as well as its continuous efforts to advance the levels of equal opportunities between both genders, and to support Bahraini talents in assuming leadership positions in the company.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors noted BAS’ pride in employing national cadres, praising the loyalty, dedication and professional discipline of Bahraini citizens. He also pointed out the company’s keenness in achieving high levels of job stability for its local cadres, by creating an environment supportive of human development through implementing comprehensive training programs that exceed 850 training courses annually. He also stressed on the company’s determination to continue to embrace job seekers within the lists of the Ministry of Labour to provide them with job and training opportunities. This comes in line within the company’s role in aiming to accelerate the pace of economic recovery, and its commitment to the community partnership approach.

In conclusion, Mr. Nabeel Kanoo further conveyed his gratitude for such encouragement and praise from the Ministry of Labour, expressing the company’s pride in leading the list of the companies and institutions that have employed Bahraini nationals during the first and second quarters of this year, and its intention to move forward in employing and embracing promising local competencies.